Tuesday, May 19, 2015

E9 final Space Specs

Space Specs

The Product

Was the product my team and I created. I was in charge of the product and the Ad. Those were my two main roles in the project. The process of creating the product was a bit tedious to make, the glasses were based of the 3D glasses and making them was a real pain. this was my favorite part of the project, I am personally really proud of it.

The Ad

The ad was a more basic thing to make, the ad was the easiest i kept it nice and simple. I'm not a huge fan of it but I think it dose the job. Personally I would of prefer it with a 3D look. when i look at it i think of several other rings i could of done with it. this ad is


1) The scope, I can only assume that the idea for making us do this project is to force interaction with other people. If not to build teamwork skills. The idea of the glasses came up during a brainstorming session, it was Courtney's idea.
2) What I learned, I did learn some teamworking skills such as dealing with others. Technology wise I learned several was to work with photoshop, google sketch up and web building.
3A)Do Different, I don't really know maybe interact more with my team mates. the ad. Why because i never felt connected to my team. i don't like the ad i felt like i put minimal effort.
3B) Do the same, I'd keep the projects assign to me such as the product and the ad. why i enjoyed making them.
3C) Draw from experience, i would get the idea that in the future i will need to make more group projects so might as we'll get over it while i still can.